Join Us for Worship
Service Time
Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
Youtube anytime
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 592 Knickerbocker Ave. Brooklyn, NY. 11221
Our Sunday service follows Setting Two of the Divine Service in Lutheran Service Book. We sing hymns from the hymnal, as well as praise songs, Gospel hymns, and music from other Christian traditions which reflect the heritage of our members.
A note regarding reception of Holy Communion in our dual-parishes: the Sacrament of the Altar is for those baptized Christians who confess with the Lutheran Church the biblical truth that in the Lord’s Supper we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus with the bread and the wine. If you are not baptized, do not share this understanding, have not yet made your first Communion, or feel that an unconfessed sin stands in the way of receiving Holy Communion, you are welcome to come to the altar for a blessing from the Pastor; in this case, simply fold your arms over your chest to show that you do not desire to receive the Sacrament at this time.
What to expect:
When you join us for worship at St. Paul’s, expect a warm welcome! Our congregation is genuinely glad to welcome visitors and those seeking to know God better. Our Sunday gatherings include worship with singing, corporate Confession and Absolution, Scripture readings, the sermon, a time of prayer, and Holy Communion.