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to St. Paul's
Lutheran Church
A Congregation of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
Generation after generation, we have been a congregation of settlers, those from far-away lands, and from all across our country who are “new folks on the block” in Brooklyn, New York City, and who gather every week to praise our Heavenly Father in the name of His Son, Jesus.
Service Schedule
All are welcome to join us.
Bible Study & Prayer
Bible Study - Wednesday 4:30 pm
Sunday School - Sunday 9:45am
Prayer by appointment
Sunday - 9 am
“The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10, ESV
Immigrants… the newly arrived to this city… people speaking languages other than English… people who came from across the waters of the Atlantic, or from the Caribbean Basin, or from “down South…” -- all sorts of folks who were starting a new life in this big city: these are the people who have, for over 130 years, gathered around the Lord’s Table here at St. Paul’s. Generation after generation, we have been a congregation of settlers, those from far-away lands, and from all across our country who are “new folks on the block” in Brooklyn, New York City, and who gather every week to praise our Heavenly Father in the name of His Son, Jesus. The warm welcome you will receive when you come to St. Paul’s reflects the love of Christ and His love for the world -- the same love which formed and sustains our congregation.
Join us for an
upcoming event!
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